Most of the aircraft operated by NWTFA members require 100LL avgas. Members purchase fuel from local suppliers either in bulk or in drums but supply can be challenging. NWTFA/COPA 108 regularly monitors the availability of 100LL avgas both in bulk and in drums.
Recent and historical information relating to the availability of 100LL avgas in Yellowknife appears below. This information is based on efforts undertaken by NWTFA to ensure ongoing availability but is not intended to provide a comprehensive list of current suppliers. February 2025 Update: While 100LL avgas remains available from Ahmic Air and can be pumped directly into tidy tanks or floatplane fuel tanks, a NOTAM posted on January 16, 2025 advises that 100LL avgas is not available at CYZF. This situation is due to the loss of the fuel truck operated by Det'on Cho Logistics Shell and its decision not to resume the sale of avgas for small aircraft. NWTFA is working to identify alternate sources for aircraft requiring fuel at the airport. NWTFA is currently seeking funding for the acquisition of a fuel truck to be leased to a partner for delivery of 100LL avgas into aircraft and tidy tanks. Updates will be posted below as and when available. |
February 3, 2025
By NOTAM issued on January 16, 2025 with permanent effect, the aviation community has been advised that 100LL avgas is not available in Yellowknife. NWTFA continues to lobby for the resumption of fuel services for general aviation aircraft and to seek funding for the acquisition of a fuel truck to facilitate such resumption.
February 3, 2025
By NOTAM issued on January 16, 2025 with permanent effect, the aviation community has been advised that 100LL avgas is not available in Yellowknife. NWTFA continues to lobby for the resumption of fuel services for general aviation aircraft and to seek funding for the acquisition of a fuel truck to facilitate such resumption.
November 21, 2024
Through recent discussions with Det’on Cho Logistics about the economics and logistics of supplying 100LL avgas to general aviation aircraft in Yellowknife, NWTFA established that Det’on Cho Logistics would be amenable to resuming delivery if NWTFA acquired a suitable fuel truck. NWTFA has therefore submitted an expression of interest to CanNor for funding at 80% of project costs estimated at $150,000. NWTFA has also reached to the GNWT Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment to enquire whether the project might qualify for SEED funding or other support. If adequate funding can be secured, NWTFA intends to purchase a fuel truck which would then be leased to Det'on Cho Logistics for the purpose of supplying 100LL avgas to aircraft at the YZF airport and into approved tidy tanks to support aircraft operating off-airport.
November 21, 2024
Through recent discussions with Det’on Cho Logistics about the economics and logistics of supplying 100LL avgas to general aviation aircraft in Yellowknife, NWTFA established that Det’on Cho Logistics would be amenable to resuming delivery if NWTFA acquired a suitable fuel truck. NWTFA has therefore submitted an expression of interest to CanNor for funding at 80% of project costs estimated at $150,000. NWTFA has also reached to the GNWT Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment to enquire whether the project might qualify for SEED funding or other support. If adequate funding can be secured, NWTFA intends to purchase a fuel truck which would then be leased to Det'on Cho Logistics for the purpose of supplying 100LL avgas to aircraft at the YZF airport and into approved tidy tanks to support aircraft operating off-airport.
November 15, 2024
NWTFA has conducted extensive research into the viability and operation of a self-serve cardlock system for the delivery of 100LL avgas. After obtaining several quotes, it became apparent that an investment of approximately $250,000 would be required to set up a cardlock system. Despite numerous enquiries, no reliable information could be obtained on the likely cost of bulk fuel. Given the financial risk and the uncertainty posed by the pending YZF airport master plan, NWTFA determined that it is not in a position to pursue a cardlock project.
November 15, 2024
NWTFA has conducted extensive research into the viability and operation of a self-serve cardlock system for the delivery of 100LL avgas. After obtaining several quotes, it became apparent that an investment of approximately $250,000 would be required to set up a cardlock system. Despite numerous enquiries, no reliable information could be obtained on the likely cost of bulk fuel. Given the financial risk and the uncertainty posed by the pending YZF airport master plan, NWTFA determined that it is not in a position to pursue a cardlock project.
October 22, 2024
NWTFA has engaged in additional dialogue with the GNWT Minister of Infrastructure concerning the supply of 100LL avgas at the CYZF airport. By email dated September 22, 2024, NWTFA expressed its concern that the GNWT does not recognize the importance of general aviation to its regional airport. NWTFA highlighted the significant social and economic benefit that general aviation brings to civil air search and rescue, aviation tourism, flight training, aviation safety and more. NWTFA urged the GNWT to become proactive in resolving the avgas situation by providing appropriate incentives to a private proponent and advised that our concerns will be advanced politically.
By email dated October 22, 2024, the Minister of Infrastructure provided a more detailed response to the operational challenges of supplying 100LL avgas at the CYZF airport. While it is clear that neither the YZF airport nor its FBO operator have any interest in occupying the field, the Minister did raise the possibility of extending incentives to a private proponent.
October 22, 2024
NWTFA has engaged in additional dialogue with the GNWT Minister of Infrastructure concerning the supply of 100LL avgas at the CYZF airport. By email dated September 22, 2024, NWTFA expressed its concern that the GNWT does not recognize the importance of general aviation to its regional airport. NWTFA highlighted the significant social and economic benefit that general aviation brings to civil air search and rescue, aviation tourism, flight training, aviation safety and more. NWTFA urged the GNWT to become proactive in resolving the avgas situation by providing appropriate incentives to a private proponent and advised that our concerns will be advanced politically.
By email dated October 22, 2024, the Minister of Infrastructure provided a more detailed response to the operational challenges of supplying 100LL avgas at the CYZF airport. While it is clear that neither the YZF airport nor its FBO operator have any interest in occupying the field, the Minister did raise the possibility of extending incentives to a private proponent.
September 19, 2024
The GNWT Minister of Infrastructure has provided a very discouraging and superficial response to the letter from the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association advocating for the resumption of supply of 100LL at the CYZF airport. In a letter to COPA dated September 17, 2024*, the Minister advises that Det'on Cho Logistics Shell has no intention of replacing its avgas truck or continuing into-aircraft delivery of 100LL. While she suggests that the airport might welcome the private development of a cardlock system, she also offers reasons for such a system not being considered viable. Her response ignores virtually all concerns raised by COPA and actually states that YZF "wouldn't be considered a general aviation airport but rather a significant commercial airport". NWTFA is now considering avenues for further political discussion of this important issue.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
September 19, 2024
The GNWT Minister of Infrastructure has provided a very discouraging and superficial response to the letter from the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association advocating for the resumption of supply of 100LL at the CYZF airport. In a letter to COPA dated September 17, 2024*, the Minister advises that Det'on Cho Logistics Shell has no intention of replacing its avgas truck or continuing into-aircraft delivery of 100LL. While she suggests that the airport might welcome the private development of a cardlock system, she also offers reasons for such a system not being considered viable. Her response ignores virtually all concerns raised by COPA and actually states that YZF "wouldn't be considered a general aviation airport but rather a significant commercial airport". NWTFA is now considering avenues for further political discussion of this important issue.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
August 2, 2024
NWTFA has recently been advised by CYZF airport management that discussions are ongoing with Det'on Cho Logistics Shell concerning resumption of supply of 100LL avgas for general aviation aircraft. However, However, no meaningful update has been forthcoming, and Det'on Cho Logistics Shell has not responded to enquiry from NWTFA. The NOTAM advising that 100LL is unavailable at the CYZF airport has been extended to October 30, 2024.
The Canadian Owners and Pilots Association has become aware of the disruption in availability of 100LL at the CYZF airport. Its national president has recently sent a letter to the GWNT Minister of Infrastructure* stressing the importance of a reliable supply of 100LL to the safety of the general aviation community. We are hopeful that this advocacy effort at the national level will motivate the GNWT to take action to resolve the situation.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
August 2, 2024
NWTFA has recently been advised by CYZF airport management that discussions are ongoing with Det'on Cho Logistics Shell concerning resumption of supply of 100LL avgas for general aviation aircraft. However, However, no meaningful update has been forthcoming, and Det'on Cho Logistics Shell has not responded to enquiry from NWTFA. The NOTAM advising that 100LL is unavailable at the CYZF airport has been extended to October 30, 2024.
The Canadian Owners and Pilots Association has become aware of the disruption in availability of 100LL at the CYZF airport. Its national president has recently sent a letter to the GWNT Minister of Infrastructure* stressing the importance of a reliable supply of 100LL to the safety of the general aviation community. We are hopeful that this advocacy effort at the national level will motivate the GNWT to take action to resolve the situation.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
July 2, 2024
NWTFA has reached out to management at both Det'on Cho Logistics Shell and the CYZF airport to stress the importance of 100LL avgas being available at the Yellowknife airport and to enquire as to steps being taken to ensure resumption of its supply for general aviation aircraft. The FBO manager at Det'on Cho Logistics Shell has orally deflected responsibility for any decision on its southern supplier, but declines to provide contact information for further discussion, and has failed to respond to written enquiry. The airport manager has also failed to respond to written enquiry.
NWTFA periodically receives anecdotal reports from its members respecting their discussions with the FBO manager and refuelling staff concerning the situation. It seems that each conversation contradicts the others and no reliable information has been gained. NWTFA is left with the impression that Det'on Cho Logistics Shell does not consider the availability of avgas for general aviation aircraft to be of importance and may intend to exit the field for economic reasons.
July 2, 2024
NWTFA has reached out to management at both Det'on Cho Logistics Shell and the CYZF airport to stress the importance of 100LL avgas being available at the Yellowknife airport and to enquire as to steps being taken to ensure resumption of its supply for general aviation aircraft. The FBO manager at Det'on Cho Logistics Shell has orally deflected responsibility for any decision on its southern supplier, but declines to provide contact information for further discussion, and has failed to respond to written enquiry. The airport manager has also failed to respond to written enquiry.
NWTFA periodically receives anecdotal reports from its members respecting their discussions with the FBO manager and refuelling staff concerning the situation. It seems that each conversation contradicts the others and no reliable information has been gained. NWTFA is left with the impression that Det'on Cho Logistics Shell does not consider the availability of avgas for general aviation aircraft to be of importance and may intend to exit the field for economic reasons.
June 19, 2024
NWTFA has now been advised by Det'on Cho Logistics Shell that a replacement fuel truck is not expected in 2024 and that avgas can be acquired in drums from Bassett Petroleum. NWTFA suspects that this FBO operator does not intend to resume sale of avgas for delivery directly into small aircraft. NWTFA plans to seek clarity in writing, suggest interim solutions such as filling of tidy tanks, and investigate alternative suppliers. Fuel Flo has advised NWTFA that they can deliver avgas to the general aviation parking area at the airport in drums and facilitate its transfer into aircraft.
June 19, 2024
NWTFA has now been advised by Det'on Cho Logistics Shell that a replacement fuel truck is not expected in 2024 and that avgas can be acquired in drums from Bassett Petroleum. NWTFA suspects that this FBO operator does not intend to resume sale of avgas for delivery directly into small aircraft. NWTFA plans to seek clarity in writing, suggest interim solutions such as filling of tidy tanks, and investigate alternative suppliers. Fuel Flo has advised NWTFA that they can deliver avgas to the general aviation parking area at the airport in drums and facilitate its transfer into aircraft.
May 7, 2024
NWTFA has recently learned that100LL avgas is not currently available from Det'on Cho Logistics Shell at the YZF airport due to its loss of a fuel truck in December 2023. Its FBO manager has advised that a replacement truck has been allocated for Yellowknife and will arrive soon. NWTFA suggested that avgas could be pumped directly into tidy tanks with appropriate filters pending arrival of the truck. The FBO manager indicated that minor modifications would be needed to the delivery arm of the fuel tank to add a hose and nozzle, but undertook to present the idea to management as a possible interim solution.
May 7, 2024
NWTFA has recently learned that100LL avgas is not currently available from Det'on Cho Logistics Shell at the YZF airport due to its loss of a fuel truck in December 2023. Its FBO manager has advised that a replacement truck has been allocated for Yellowknife and will arrive soon. NWTFA suggested that avgas could be pumped directly into tidy tanks with appropriate filters pending arrival of the truck. The FBO manager indicated that minor modifications would be needed to the delivery arm of the fuel tank to add a hose and nozzle, but undertook to present the idea to management as a possible interim solution.
May 5, 2024
NWTFA continues to monitor the availability of 100LL avgas in Yellowknife and has confirmed the following information in advance of the 2024 float season:
May 5, 2024
NWTFA continues to monitor the availability of 100LL avgas in Yellowknife and has confirmed the following information in advance of the 2024 float season:
- Bassett Petroleum no longer supplies bulk 100LL avgas but may have fuel available in drums.
- Ahmic Air sells bulk 100 LL avgas to NWTFA members and visiting pilots. Availability is subject to the operating needs of Ahmic Air and should be confirmed in advance. Fuel can be pumped into tidy tanks or directly into floatplane fuel tanks. Price varies due to ongoing fluctuations in fuel costs but is expected to competitive. Pilots are asked to call ahead to arrange for fuel. Hours are 7 days per week from 9 am to 5 pm but pilots are asked to avoid peak times on Friday and Sunday afternoons and evenings.
- Fuel Flo has 100 LL avgas available in drums. Consideration is being given to making fuel available in bulk.
- Det'on Cho Logistics Shell typically has 100LL avgas available at the CYZF airport. No call-out fee applies between 0600 and 1800 local time daily. The after-hours call-out fee is $150. As advised by a NOTAM effective until at least July 31, 2024 and possibly longer, 100LL avgas is not currently available at the CYZF airport.
December 22, 2023
The fuel truck used by Det'on Cho Logistics Shell for delivery of 100LL avgas to small aircraft was destroyed by an explosion and fire on December 22, 2023. The fire was quickly extinguished and its cause is under investigation. Media coverage of the incident, including photos of the charred remains of the truck, is contained in the following articles:
Truck Catches Fire at Fuel Facility outside Yellowknife Airport (Cabin Radio, December 22, 2023)
Fuel Truck Fire Extinguished at Gas Station near Yellowknife Airport ( Northern News Services, December 22, 2023)
Yellowknife Firefighters Dowse Fuel Truck Fire at Airport (CBC, December 22, 2023)
December 22, 2023
The fuel truck used by Det'on Cho Logistics Shell for delivery of 100LL avgas to small aircraft was destroyed by an explosion and fire on December 22, 2023. The fire was quickly extinguished and its cause is under investigation. Media coverage of the incident, including photos of the charred remains of the truck, is contained in the following articles:
Truck Catches Fire at Fuel Facility outside Yellowknife Airport (Cabin Radio, December 22, 2023)
Fuel Truck Fire Extinguished at Gas Station near Yellowknife Airport ( Northern News Services, December 22, 2023)
Yellowknife Firefighters Dowse Fuel Truck Fire at Airport (CBC, December 22, 2023)
May 15, 2023
NWTFA has confirmed as confirmed that 100LL avgas will be available in Yellowknife during the 2023 float season from the same sources and in the same manner as during the 2022 float season.
May 15, 2023
NWTFA has confirmed as confirmed that 100LL avgas will be available in Yellowknife during the 2023 float season from the same sources and in the same manner as during the 2022 float season.
May 5, 2022
NWTFA has been monitoring the availability of 100LL avgas in Yellowknife and can now provide the following information in advance of the 2022 float season:
May 5, 2022
NWTFA has been monitoring the availability of 100LL avgas in Yellowknife and can now provide the following information in advance of the 2022 float season:
- Bassett Petroleum has discontinued its supply of bulk 100LL avgas but will continue to make fuel available in drums.
- Ahmic Air is willing to sell bulk 100 LL avgas to NWTFA members and visiting pilots. Availability is subject to the operating needs of Ahmic Air and should be confirmed in advance. Fuel can be pumped into tidy tanks or directly into floatplane fuel tanks. Price is yet to be determined due to recent fluctuations in fuel costs but is expected to competitive. Pilots are asked to call ahead to arrange for fuel. Hours are 7 days per week from 9 am to 5 pm but pilots are asked to avoid Friday afternoons.
- Fuel Flo will have 100 LL avgas available in drums throughout the summer. Consideration is being given to also making fuel available in bulk.
- 100LL avgas is also available at the CYZF airport through Det'on Cho Logistics Shell. Recent pricing is approximately $3.00 per litre. No call-out fee applies between 0600 and 1800 local time daily. The after-hours call-out fee is $100.
March 17, 2022
Fuel Flo has confirmed that 100LL avgas will be available in drums throughout the 2022 float season and that bulk avgas might be available through a mobile tank. NWTFA/COPA 108 will follow up with Fuel Flo for updates over the coming months.
March 17, 2022
Fuel Flo has confirmed that 100LL avgas will be available in drums throughout the 2022 float season and that bulk avgas might be available through a mobile tank. NWTFA/COPA 108 will follow up with Fuel Flo for updates over the coming months.
December 23, 2021
Ahmic Air has confirmed its willingness to sell bulk 100LL avgas to NWTFA members and itinerant pilots. Availability is subject to the operating requirements of Ahmic Air and should be verified by pilots in advance.
December 23, 2021
Ahmic Air has confirmed its willingness to sell bulk 100LL avgas to NWTFA members and itinerant pilots. Availability is subject to the operating requirements of Ahmic Air and should be verified by pilots in advance.
November 2, 2021
Bassett Petroleum has recently advised several NWTFA members that it will no longer supply bulk 100LL avgas although drums will remain available. NWTFA therefore intends to explore other options for the supply of bulk avgas.
November 2, 2021
Bassett Petroleum has recently advised several NWTFA members that it will no longer supply bulk 100LL avgas although drums will remain available. NWTFA therefore intends to explore other options for the supply of bulk avgas.