resident FLOATPLANE PARKING in yellowknife
Options for resident floatplane parking in Yellowknife are limited with most resident pilots using private docks located adjacent to waterfront property on Back Bay or elsewhere. The Northwest Territories Flying has made numerous presentations to the City of Yellowknife respecting floatplane parking on Back Bay. Issues include the preservation of docks currently used by resident pilots and the development of parking options for visiting aircraft.
Recent updates regarding resident floatplane parking appear below. The historical chronology of advocacy relating to resident parking is extremely lengthy and is not available online. |
February 28, 2022
Most private floatplane pilots in Yellowknife continue to utilize private docks located adjacent to waterfront property on Back Bay or elsewhere. The City of Yellowknife has not proceeded with its proposal for licensing of docks.
February 28, 2022
Most private floatplane pilots in Yellowknife continue to utilize private docks located adjacent to waterfront property on Back Bay or elsewhere. The City of Yellowknife has not proceeded with its proposal for licensing of docks.
January 4, 2017
City Council has recently directed City administration to analyze the public input received in response to the proposal for licensing of docks in the Morrison Drive area of Back Bay. The proposal advanced by City administration would include a boardwalk along the shoreline and a lottery system for the issuance of dock licenses. Opposition to both ideas seems to have succeeded in maintaining the status quo and it seems unlikely that City Council or administration will pursue the matter in the near future. NWTFA will continue to monitor the issue and respond as appropriate.
January 4, 2017
City Council has recently directed City administration to analyze the public input received in response to the proposal for licensing of docks in the Morrison Drive area of Back Bay. The proposal advanced by City administration would include a boardwalk along the shoreline and a lottery system for the issuance of dock licenses. Opposition to both ideas seems to have succeeded in maintaining the status quo and it seems unlikely that City Council or administration will pursue the matter in the near future. NWTFA will continue to monitor the issue and respond as appropriate.
April 8, 2015
The City of Yellowknife has engaged in no further consultation or communication with NWTFA since our November 2014 presentation to City Council. NWTFA recently wrote to City Council urging it to demand that administration research dock licensing as directed and engage in consultation with NWTFA.
April 8, 2015
The City of Yellowknife has engaged in no further consultation or communication with NWTFA since our November 2014 presentation to City Council. NWTFA recently wrote to City Council urging it to demand that administration research dock licensing as directed and engage in consultation with NWTFA.
November 30, 2014
NWTFA recently made a presentation to Yellowknife City Council respecting floatplane parking on Bay Bay. NWTFA took the position that existing floatplane docks should be left undisturbed and options should be explored for licensing or tenure of those docks. The model used in Whitehorse was described to Council and received with positive interest. Council directed administration to research options for licensing of existing docks.
November 30, 2014
NWTFA recently made a presentation to Yellowknife City Council respecting floatplane parking on Bay Bay. NWTFA took the position that existing floatplane docks should be left undisturbed and options should be explored for licensing or tenure of those docks. The model used in Whitehorse was described to Council and received with positive interest. Council directed administration to research options for licensing of existing docks.