In consultation with the Department of Transportation of the Government of the Northwest Territories in 2014, the Northwest Territories Flying Association developed procedures for the movement of floatplanes between Long Lake and the Yellowknife airport property.* Both parties recognize the potential risk inherent in moving aircraft across the highway between the lake and the airport gate. Adherence to the agreed procedures assists in coordination between pilots and airport fire hall personnel and helps to ensure the safe movement of aircraft.
* As of June 2022, YZF airport management has unilaterally changed portions of this process. Please refer to the updates below or contact YZF airport management directly to determine any additional requirements. The YZF airport currently charges a $75 fee for the escort of floatplanes between the airport property and the dock at Long Lake. Despite repeated enquiries to the GNWT Department of Infrastructure, NWTFA has not been provided with a satisfactory explanation of the authority for this fee or the basis for its calculation. INCREASES TO FLOATPLANE USER FEES AT YZF AIRPORT
September 3, 2024 The NWTFA executive has just learned, through local news media, that the Yellowknife Airport (CYZF) is increasing its floatplane escort fee from $75 to $135 and is introducing a new $40 "floatplane dock" fee effective October 13, 2024. See "Yellowknife's Airport Hikes some Behind-the-Scenes Fees" on Cabin Radio for more information. These changes are being implemented unilaterally by CYZF without any advance notice to or consultation with NWTFA despite our lengthy history of engagement on the floatplane escort fee. In light of the detrimental impact that these changes will have on general aviation in Yellowknife now and in the future, NWTFA has requested a detailed rationale for the new fees and has started work on a comprehensive response that will address the broader trend of a decline in general aviation services at the YZF airport. MEMBERS ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT MLAs
June 27, 2024 Given the failure of the Minister of Infrastructure to undertake any meaningful enquiry into authorization of the floatplane escort fee, NWTFA is urging its members to raise the matter with their elected Members of the Legislative Assembly. The continued insistence of YZF airport management and the Department of Infrastructure on levying an unauthorized and unreasonable fee on a small subset of floatplane dock users is troubling and needs to be addressed at a political level. RESPONSE FROM MINISTER OF INFRASTRUCTURE
June 6, 2024 After several follow-up enquiries by NWTFA, the Minister of Infrastructure finally reported back on the status of the floatplane escort fee. Unfortunately, her response was a regurgitation of the superficial explanation previously provided by airport management and her department. The department alleges that the fee was established to offset and recover costs associated with the maintenance of the float launch facility and related services. Costs associated with the fee include installation and removal of the dock, dock repairs, gate and launch maintenance, garbage collection, and escorting movement of aircraft. NWTFA has further communicated to the Minister to express its disappointment with her failure to investigate the matter and provide a substantive response. NWTFA has provided the Minister with a written description of the fee and its analysis of the lack of authority for its imposition and the obvious lack of valid rationale for its calculation. |
April 10, 2024
Representatives of NWTFA met with Caroline Wawzonek, as both their MLA and the GNWT Minister of Infrastructure, on April 10, 2024 to discuss visions for the future of general aviation at the YZF airport. At this meeting, NWTFA informed the Minister of its concerns regarding legitimacy and quantum of the floatplane escort fee. She undertook to investigate the issue and report back to NWTFA.
April 10, 2024
Representatives of NWTFA met with Caroline Wawzonek, as both their MLA and the GNWT Minister of Infrastructure, on April 10, 2024 to discuss visions for the future of general aviation at the YZF airport. At this meeting, NWTFA informed the Minister of its concerns regarding legitimacy and quantum of the floatplane escort fee. She undertook to investigate the issue and report back to NWTFA.
April 5, 2024
NWTFA continues to question both authorization for and calculation of the floatplane escort fee. In our annual meeting with YZF airport management on April 5, 2024, the airport manager advised that airport fees are still under review by the GNWT Department of Infrastructure and Financial Management Board.
April 5, 2024
NWTFA continues to question both authorization for and calculation of the floatplane escort fee. In our annual meeting with YZF airport management on April 5, 2024, the airport manager advised that airport fees are still under review by the GNWT Department of Infrastructure and Financial Management Board.
March 16, 2023
YZF airport management recently presented NWTFA with revised floatplane launching procedures* respecting the transport of floatplanes between the airport property and Long Lake. In comparison to the procedures agreed upon in 2014, these procedures add processes for payment of the escort fee but do not make any substantive changes to responsibilities for aircraft movement. NWTFA has provided comment to YZF airport management but received no response. Nevertheless, members should anticipate their application during the 2023 float season.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
NWTFA continues to contest legitimacy of floatplane escort fee imposed by YZF airport management. The airport manager advises that the Department of Infrastructure has been reviewing authorization for all airport fees following the report from the NWT Ombud. Review of the fees affecting general aviation users is awaiting response from senior management. There is no timeline for completion of the review.
March 16, 2023
YZF airport management recently presented NWTFA with revised floatplane launching procedures* respecting the transport of floatplanes between the airport property and Long Lake. In comparison to the procedures agreed upon in 2014, these procedures add processes for payment of the escort fee but do not make any substantive changes to responsibilities for aircraft movement. NWTFA has provided comment to YZF airport management but received no response. Nevertheless, members should anticipate their application during the 2023 float season.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
NWTFA continues to contest legitimacy of floatplane escort fee imposed by YZF airport management. The airport manager advises that the Department of Infrastructure has been reviewing authorization for all airport fees following the report from the NWT Ombud. Review of the fees affecting general aviation users is awaiting response from senior management. There is no timeline for completion of the review.
November 7, 2022
The Northwest Territories Ombud has concluded its investigation concerning the escort fee charged by the YZF airport for escort of floatplanes between the airport property and Long Lake. The report of the Ombud* issued on November 7, 2022 contains its findings and anticipated resolution.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
The Ombud concluded that the fee is permitted pursuant to the Financial Administration Act which permits fees for service to be established by regulation or ministerial directive but acknowledged that the applicable process had not been followed. The Department of Infrastructure has undertaken to properly develop a directive for all cost recovery items, publish and communicate relevant fee information to stakeholders, meet annually with NWTFA, and work with the Department of Finance to ensure proper management of fees and cost recovery.
The Ombud concluded that the quantum of the $75 fee was not clearly unreasonable or unfair based on its rationale of cost recovery for staff and administration time, maintenance of equipment/vehicles and fuel costs.
NWTFA immediately sent an email response to the Ombud* acknowledging its conclusion that the fee was improperly implemented and expressing its position on legitimization of the fee. NWTFA will continue to monitor the issue and follow-up with the Department of Infrastructure to ensure proper authority and costing details.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
November 7, 2022
The Northwest Territories Ombud has concluded its investigation concerning the escort fee charged by the YZF airport for escort of floatplanes between the airport property and Long Lake. The report of the Ombud* issued on November 7, 2022 contains its findings and anticipated resolution.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
The Ombud concluded that the fee is permitted pursuant to the Financial Administration Act which permits fees for service to be established by regulation or ministerial directive but acknowledged that the applicable process had not been followed. The Department of Infrastructure has undertaken to properly develop a directive for all cost recovery items, publish and communicate relevant fee information to stakeholders, meet annually with NWTFA, and work with the Department of Finance to ensure proper management of fees and cost recovery.
The Ombud concluded that the quantum of the $75 fee was not clearly unreasonable or unfair based on its rationale of cost recovery for staff and administration time, maintenance of equipment/vehicles and fuel costs.
NWTFA immediately sent an email response to the Ombud* acknowledging its conclusion that the fee was improperly implemented and expressing its position on legitimization of the fee. NWTFA will continue to monitor the issue and follow-up with the Department of Infrastructure to ensure proper authority and costing details.
* access restricted to current NWTFA members
August 11, 2022
NWTFA recently submitted a complaint relating to the floatplane escort fee to the Northwest Territories Ombud for investigation. NWTFA takes the position that the escort fee is both unauthorized and unreasonable. Updates from the Ombud indicate that its investigation is taking longer than expected but that information is being sought from the GNWT Department of Infrastructure and the file remains active.
August 11, 2022
NWTFA recently submitted a complaint relating to the floatplane escort fee to the Northwest Territories Ombud for investigation. NWTFA takes the position that the escort fee is both unauthorized and unreasonable. Updates from the Ombud indicate that its investigation is taking longer than expected but that information is being sought from the GNWT Department of Infrastructure and the file remains active.
June 17, 2022
NWTFA has yet to receive satisfactory explanation from YZF airport management or the GNWT Department of Infrastructure to justify either the new process for arranging floatplane escorts or the escort fee. NWTFA continues to challenge authority for levying of the fee and to question its quantum. Members encountering difficulties caused by the new process are encouraged to report their experiences to NWTFA.
June 17, 2022
NWTFA has yet to receive satisfactory explanation from YZF airport management or the GNWT Department of Infrastructure to justify either the new process for arranging floatplane escorts or the escort fee. NWTFA continues to challenge authority for levying of the fee and to question its quantum. Members encountering difficulties caused by the new process are encouraged to report their experiences to NWTFA.
June 1, 2022
NWTFA has just learned that YZF airport management has changed its process for arranging escort of floatplanes between the airport property and Long Lake. YZF airport management is now requiring that paperwork be completed and the escort fee paid at its office in the terminal before fire hall personnel provide escort services. The new process is causing delay and considerable frustration to pilots who are following the established procedures for floatplane launching at Long Lake.
This change was made unilaterally without notice to NWTFA or aircraft owners. NWTFA has submitted written protest to the GNWT Department of Infrastructure requesting that the escort fee be discontinued immediately, refunds be issued for any fees already paid, and the fee not be levied again unless properly authorized.
June 1, 2022
NWTFA has just learned that YZF airport management has changed its process for arranging escort of floatplanes between the airport property and Long Lake. YZF airport management is now requiring that paperwork be completed and the escort fee paid at its office in the terminal before fire hall personnel provide escort services. The new process is causing delay and considerable frustration to pilots who are following the established procedures for floatplane launching at Long Lake.
This change was made unilaterally without notice to NWTFA or aircraft owners. NWTFA has submitted written protest to the GNWT Department of Infrastructure requesting that the escort fee be discontinued immediately, refunds be issued for any fees already paid, and the fee not be levied again unless properly authorized.
July 14, 2021
NWTFA members continue to report inconsistency in the levy of escort fees for floatplane launching at Long Lake. Since the issue of escort fees remains outstanding, it will be included in the list of issues to be discussed in a requested meeting with the YZF airport manager concerning facilities and services for general aviation.
July 14, 2021
NWTFA members continue to report inconsistency in the levy of escort fees for floatplane launching at Long Lake. Since the issue of escort fees remains outstanding, it will be included in the list of issues to be discussed in a requested meeting with the YZF airport manager concerning facilities and services for general aviation.
September 1, 2019
NWTFA is drafting a letter to the YZF airport opposing the levy of escort fees on private operators. Reference will made to assurances from the former airport manager that these fees are charged to commercial but not private operators. Information provided by NWTFA members indicates that the fees are being levied inconsistently based on unknown criteria.
September 1, 2019
NWTFA is drafting a letter to the YZF airport opposing the levy of escort fees on private operators. Reference will made to assurances from the former airport manager that these fees are charged to commercial but not private operators. Information provided by NWTFA members indicates that the fees are being levied inconsistently based on unknown criteria.
August 1, 2019
Several NWTFA members have recently brought forward concerns over fees being levied by the YZF airport for escort of aircraft to/from the Long Lake floatplane dock. This fee has arisen without notice or consultation and without clear criteria for its application. NWTFA has been advised by the previous airport manager that the fee applies only to commercial aircraft but recent member experience suggests that it is being charged whenever the service involves a commercial operator irrespective of whether the aircraft is owned/operated privately or commercially. NWTFA will follow up with the current airport manager for clarification.
August 1, 2019
Several NWTFA members have recently brought forward concerns over fees being levied by the YZF airport for escort of aircraft to/from the Long Lake floatplane dock. This fee has arisen without notice or consultation and without clear criteria for its application. NWTFA has been advised by the previous airport manager that the fee applies only to commercial aircraft but recent member experience suggests that it is being charged whenever the service involves a commercial operator irrespective of whether the aircraft is owned/operated privately or commercially. NWTFA will follow up with the current airport manager for clarification.