The biannual Midnight Sun Fly In will be held in Yellowknife, NT on July 6 - 9, 2017. Planning is underway already and volunteers are needed. All NWTFA members are encouraged to participate so that this event will successfully showcase our northern hospitality and wonderful float-flying opportunities.
The NWTFA will once again support the Fly In by sponsoring and hosting a fly-out picnic to a nearby lake. We'll be looking for a suitable location with a sandy beach and nice water depth to allow parking for lots of planes. All NWTFA members are invited to attend the picnic.
The NWTFA will once again support the Fly In by sponsoring and hosting a fly-out picnic to a nearby lake. We'll be looking for a suitable location with a sandy beach and nice water depth to allow parking for lots of planes. All NWTFA members are invited to attend the picnic.