There will be a special meeting of the Northwest Territories Floatplane Association on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the Northern Frontier Visitor Centre. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss a memorandum on dock licensing developed by City of Yellowknife staff for presentation to the Municipal Services Committee on September 19, 2016. The memorandum proposes a dock site licensing program applying to floatplane and boat owners and would restrict docking on public land to a limited number of assigned dock sites. A copy of the memorandum is available on the city website.
This issue is of particular significance for members who park floatplanes on Back Bay between Otto Drive and Lessard Drive as the proposed policy would assign docks through a lottery process, impose conditions and restrictions on the use of those docks, and authorize enforcement action against all other docks. Furthermore, if this policy is adopted, all members who park aircraft on city property, including East Bay and Kam Lake, may be affected in the future .
All members are invited and strongly encouraged to attend this meeting. If members have any questions, or are unable to attend but want to make opinions or ideas known, please contact Hal Logsdon at 873-5569 or [email protected].
This issue is of particular significance for members who park floatplanes on Back Bay between Otto Drive and Lessard Drive as the proposed policy would assign docks through a lottery process, impose conditions and restrictions on the use of those docks, and authorize enforcement action against all other docks. Furthermore, if this policy is adopted, all members who park aircraft on city property, including East Bay and Kam Lake, may be affected in the future .
All members are invited and strongly encouraged to attend this meeting. If members have any questions, or are unable to attend but want to make opinions or ideas known, please contact Hal Logsdon at 873-5569 or [email protected].